Garden Tips series : 1 - Spring Gardening
Bill Collier - 16.02.2009
Tips 1 - Spring Gardening - 16.02.2009

If you have not already done so you should dig your plot to accommodate the crops which will be going in now - March and April. The rest of the garden can be dug as you progress.

This is the time for broad beans, early peas and spinach. Plant early maturing cabbage and cauliflowers in pots from the middle to end of the month. Chit early potatoes now for planting around the middle of March and chit main crop potatoes as soon as the earliest are in the ground. Protect cropping plants, sow cabbages, carrots, lettuces and radishes under cloches or in poly-tunnels.

Plant onion sets, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, parsnip lettuce and main crop peas into prepared ground. Protect cropping plants - sow lettuce, salad onions for early crops. Early cabbages and cauliflowers for transplanting in mid April. Tomatoes under cover from late March and outdoors from mid April when the risk of frost has gone.

By now all of the ground should have been dug for everything else to go in - Winter greens, main crop potatoes, cabbages and cauliflowers from the cloches, further sowings of carrots, radish, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower main crop, peas, broad beans, parsnips, iceberg lettuce, and salad onions.

From late April sow winter cauliflower, cabbage, kale and broccoli. Tomatoes sown and pricked out in March and April should be transferred to a cold frame to be hardened off. Sow marrows, squashes and sweet corn at the end of the month. Prepare greenhouse borders or grow-bags for tomato plants at the end of the month.

If anyone has any questions please contact me and I will try to help.

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